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Learn how to close a connected property temporarily on Expedia Group sites

Improve traveler experience by preventing accidental bookings with temporarily closed properties

The temporary property closure tool in Partner Central allows you to inform Expedia Group (EG) that your property will be unbookable for selected dates. This helps prevent guests from accidentally booking your property. Travelers with an upcoming reservation that is affected by your closure dates will be contacted by the Expedia Group Traveler Care team to help them with re-accommodation.

Performing a temporary property closure will:

  • indicate to guests that your property is closed for the selected dates on our Point of Sales

  • block your calendar to prevent new bookings (property will show as unavailable) for the selected dates

  • notify travelers that would be affected by the property closure (this will initiate the relocation process)

Currently, we cannot initiate relocations for your guests that may be impacted by a temporary property closure. If you have any need to close your property for bookings in the future, we strongly recommend that you use the temporary property closure tool in Expedia Partner Central. Please continue to send availability & rate updates for the dates concerned. Note that an Open update via the current connection will not override the temporary closed dates.

Visit Expedia Group Partner Central Help and support article and review the steps on how to temporarily close a property.