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How to create a Top Up Promotion

Increase your Bookings from Airbnb with the New Features Offered below

You are now able to create multiple promotions in one listing through the channel manager application.


On the Channel Manager Home Page - look on right side of the screen and find your navigational tab(s) : “Select the “Channels” Tab

New feature of Airbnb


To find out your Airbnb Promotions & offers then Click Settings button

New feature of Airbnb


3.1 Choose the “Airbnb’s Promotion” tap

3.2 Then click +Add

New feature of Airbnb


- Create the “Name” of your Promotion - Promotion Name

- Select the “Color Pallet” - to appear in the Airbnb System

- Apply Listing : Choose the Room Type Applicable for the Promotion

- Apply Date : Specify Date Range Criteria

- Seasonal Rate Adjustment : Premium or Discount in Value or %

- Length of Stay Discount : Minimum Nights and Applicable Value

- Last Minute Discount : Minimum Nights and Applicable Value

- Easily Bird Discount : Choose From the Applicable Criteria

- To Finish and Apply your updates - Click OK to Confirm.

New feature of Airbnb

Remark : You can use any of the features above to create a value added promotion on-top of the existing promotion. The "top-up" feature allows you to add one or more incentives to an existing promotion - enhancing the discount available to the customers booking. (e.g., if you have an existing active promotion of 20% and load another promotion for 10% on top from existing original promotion).


New feature of Airbnb