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You are now able to create multiple promotions in one listing through the channel manager application.
On the Channel Manager Home Page - look on right side of the screen and find your navigational tab(s) : “Select the “Channels” Tab
To find out your Airbnb Promotions & offers then Click Settings button
3.1 Choose the “Airbnb’s Promotion” tap
3.2 Then click +Add
- Create the “Name” of your Promotion - Promotion Name
- Select the “Color Pallet” - to appear in the Airbnb System
- Apply Listing : Choose the Room Type Applicable for the Promotion
- Apply Date : Specify Date Range Criteria
- Seasonal Rate Adjustment : Premium or Discount in Value or %
- Length of Stay Discount : Minimum Nights and Applicable Value
- Last Minute Discount : Minimum Nights and Applicable Value
- Easily Bird Discount : Choose From the Applicable Criteria
- To Finish and Apply your updates - Click OK to Confirm.
Remark : You can use any of the features above to create a value added promotion on-top of the existing promotion. The "top-up" feature allows you to add one or more incentives to an existing promotion - enhancing the discount available to the customers booking. (e.g., if you have an existing active promotion of 20% and load another promotion for 10% on top from existing original promotion).